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Comprehensive supply chain tracking

Using your supply chain data, track only what you need. Filter out the noise and transform your supply chain through unlocked insights and streamlined operations.

Unified data integration enables tracking

Centralize your logistics and supply chain data, remove data silos, and build the perfect starting-point to track everything meaningful in your supply chain. From key milestones to raw emissions numbers, tracking starts with good data.

No more tracking delays

Immediately available clean data in the form of actionable insights will change the way you track your supply chain. Data is made actionable as it comes in, providing you with timely updates into shipment milestones, order management, and those all important updates when things aren’t going to plan.

The many benefits of tracking what's important to you

Stay ahead of the curve with improved real-time tracking allowing you to prioritize your workload and act where most needed, reducing major negative fallout from any exceptions that occur.

Tracking what matters greatly improves your overall supply chain visibility, filtering out the noise either as the data enters your ecosystem or before it hits your front-end view. Optimized tracking has huge benefits on your productivity and your communication with peers.

With real-time data you can have a huge impact on day to day operations. Now imagine what you will achieve with a week, a month, or a year's worth of historical data. Leverage predictive analytics for proactive decision-making with huge positive impact on your bottom line.

“Prompt streamlined our integration process, reducing lead times and improving the quality of shared data.”

Mickey Diaz – COO @ Unique Logistics

Flexibility on the front-end

There is no one-fits-all solution for supply chain tracking. Each cargo owner has its own processes, each forwarder has a different set of customers, each carrier provides varying amounts and qualities of data. Use our fully configurable and customizable front-end that can be shared with stakeholders, to see what you need, exactly how you need it.

Sharing is caring in collaborative supply chains

You can provide your partners and customers with a drag-and-drop builder allowing them to easily track their collaboration with you, reducing the email and phone strain on your people, and greatly enhancing customer experience.