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FedEx & Prompt

Unhindered access to CargoWise data

FedEx Logistics, a subsidiary of the global logistics giant FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX), embarked on a strategic initiative to revolutionize their logistics technology stack. In 2021, as a significant step in this initiative, they announced the adoption of CargoWise for their international ocean and air freight operations. This move marked a pivotal step in modernizing their operational infrastructure.

To further enhance this technological transition, FedEx Logistics looked to optimize the way they use their operational data for further efficiency gains. This path identified a need to feed CargoWise data into an external data warehouse, making the data more actionable and accessible. This led them to encounter Prompt, who’s supply chain solutions enhance existing tech stacks without looking to replace them.

Key points

  • FedEx Logistics started using CargoWise in 2021 in a bid to improve their tech stack.
  • They quickly realized that CargoWise comes with its own challenges, including making CargoWise data accessible and actionable.
  • FedEx kicked-off a project to pull data from CargoWise, feeding their own data warehouse.
  • Prompt was chosen for its flexible solution that FedEx could own and eventually self-support, along with their CargoWise and FMS experience.
  • Within 60 days, data was flowing seamlessly between CargoWise and the data warehouse.
  • FedEx were self-supporting within 120 days through extended support and training by the Prompt team.
  • Access to CargoWise data is easier and faster, with the data available in an easier to access structure.

A complex and ageing data structure

FedEx faced a number of challenges in integrating CargoWise data with their existing data warehouse. CargoWise’s complex data structure and the need to move vast volumes of data effectively meant that extensive CargoWise database knowledge was a must for this project.

The primary goal of efficient data funneling from the ERP system to FedEx’s data warehouse was second only to the need of a quick outcome, as it was crucial to the success of the broader CargoWise implementation at FedEx.

“The collaboration with Prompt has been a game-changer in our digital transformation journey. Their expertise in integrating CargoWise into our existing systems has not only expedited our processes but also empowered our team with invaluable knowledge and self-sufficiency in managing our data infrastructure.” – Chief Technology Officer, FedEx Logistics.

Logistics technology self-build or done for you?

Faced with the decision to either build an in-house solution or partner with an external provider, FedEx found a flexible middleground with Prompt. Prompt’s approach promised not just a short-term solution, but a concrete approach to their specific requirements, ticking all the boxes, and more.

The strategy involved providing FedEx with a robust product that they could eventually self-support after receiving ongoing training to build internal expertise in both CargoWise and its complex data structure.

Prompt’s DataMart has a purpose-built CargoWise offshoot called CWDW. Built to handle CargoWise data, CWDW extracts required information from CargoWise, reorganizing it into a more approachable structure, and making it readily available for decision making and operational needs.

The idea was to adapt a version of CWDW to FedEx’s data warehouse, allowing the CargoWise data to find its place in FedEx’s structure without any friction or issues.

Seamless data flow within 2 months

The implementation exceeded expectations, with data successfully flowing from CargoWise to FedEx’s data warehouse within just two months. Within four months, FedEx teams were mostly self-sufficient, thanks to the intensive training provided. While Prompt continues to offer support, their role has evolved to focus on other data-related challenges, maintaining a more advisory position.

FedEx Logistics continues to use the solution built by Prompt, in a fully self-supported approach, to pull data from their ERP and send it to their data warehouse. This collaboration not only solved immediate integration challenges but also laid the groundwork for continuous improvement in the way FedEx interacts with its CargoWise data.

They are currently exploring the use of other Prompt solutions to enhance their logistics tech stack further, as well as how to further optimize and improve their use of CargoWise. We’ll be updating this story in due time!

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